
Presentations are scheduled to last 20 minutes, including questions. Download all the papers as tarball or zip.
8:50 - 9:00 Opening Remarks
9:00 - 10:00 Paper presentations, Session 1:
Malcolm Ryan.
Constraint-based multi-agent path planning
Brammert Ottens and Boi Faltings.
Coordinating Agent Plans Through Distributed Constraint Optimization
Ronen Brafman and Carmel Domshlak.
From One to Many: Planning for Loosely Coupled Multi-Agent Systems
10:00 - 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 - 11:30 Invited Talk: Brian Williams.
Multi-agent planning and execution for model-based autonomous systems.
11:30 - 12:30 Paper presentations, Session 2:
Andriy Burkov and Brahim Chaib-draa.
Distributed Planning in Stochastic Games with Communication
Arnaud Canu, Boussard Matthieu and Mouaddib Abdel-illah.
Stackelberg equilibrium in robot platooning
Dionysis Kalofonos and Timothy Norman.
Dealing with superfluous numbers of agents
12:30 - 13:40 Lunch break
13:40 - 15:00 Paper presentations, Session 3:
Bradley Clement and Steven Schaffer.
Exploiting C-TÆMS Models for Policy Search
Robert P. Goldman, David Musliner, Ed Durfee and Mark Boddy.
Coordinating Highly Contingent Plans: Biasing Distributed MDPs Towards Cooperative Behavior
Christopher Amato and Shlomo Zilberstein.
What's Worth Memorizing: Attribute-based Planning for DEC-POMDPs
Abdeslam Boularias and Brahim Chaib-draa.
Planning in Decentralized POMDPs with Predictive Policy Representations
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 - 16:30Panel discussion
16:30 - 16:40 Closing Remarks